Invisalign – Oak Point, TX

Personalized, Effective, and Virtually Undetectable

There was a time when only metal brackets and wires could guide your teeth into their properly aligned positions. Thanks to Invisalign, that’s no longer the case! Now, patients in Oak Point can turn to our highly-trained team of dentists for personalized, effective, and virtually undetectable orthodontic treatment. If you’d like to schedule a consultation to learn more, you can get in touch with our team directly. Otherwise, you can read on!

Why Choose The Elegant Dentistry for Invisalign?

  • Dr. Jainisha Is a Preferred Invisalign Provider
  • Flexible Financing Available
  • Advanced Dental Technology

How Invisalign Works

Dentist placing Invisalign aligner on patient's top teeth

Although the technology that makes Invisalign possible is complex, the treatment process is quite simple. A series of clear aligners are made to gradually move your teeth from where they are now to their ideal positions. You’ll wear each aligner for 20-22 hours a day, and you’ll move onto the next one in the series after 7-14 days of wear. Within a matter of weeks, you’ll be able to see the progress, and the average treatment timeline is just 12 to 18 months!

Indications for Invisalign

Illustration of clear aligner being placed on bottom teeth

With personalized treatment plans and custom aligners, our team at The Elegant Dentistry can help patients with a wide range of orthodontic issues, including:

Crowded Teeth

If your teeth overlap, then the look, function, and health of your smile may be compromised. Fortunately, we can use clear aligners to gently push your teeth into their properly aligned positions, giving you your best smile.

Gaps Between Teeth

For some patients, the gap between their two front teeth is a part of their “look.” For others, the spaces in their smile have a negative effect on their self-esteem. Don’t worry – Invisalign can guide your teeth closer and closer together until your teeth are perfectly straight.

Bite Alignment

A misaligned bite poses numerous problems, including premature wear and tear on your teeth. The good news is that our dedicated cosmetic dentists can use Invisalign clear aligners to fix overbites, crossbites, and several other common bite issues. 

The Benefits of Invisalign

Smiling woman giving thumbs up while holding clear aligner

When patients hear “Invisalign,” they often think “clear braces.” While their discreet appearance is certainly a perk, it isn’t the only thing that makes Invisalign a great treatment option. Here are a few other reasons patients love this alternative to traditional braces:

  • There aren’t any dietary restrictions.
  • The average treatment timeline is shorter than metal braces.
  • There aren’t any complicated oral hygiene regimens.
  • The aligners are custom-made from smooth plastic.
  • There are fewer check-in appointments throughout your treatment.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

Closeup of patient holding Invisalign aligner against blue background

Like each treatment plan, the cost of Invisalign is unique to the patient. That’s because everything from the severity of your misalignment to how many trays you need needs to be considered before we can give you an accurate estimate! If you’re interested in finding out how much clear aligner treatment is, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us so we can provide you with the answer you’re looking for. We’ll also review all of the financial solutions that can help make Invisalign more affordable, including dental insurance, our membership plan, and flexible financing.